Muddles is a language server for the Manufacturer Usage Description (MUD) format defined in RFC8520.
It is written in Rust using the tower-lsp crate and uses Tree-sitter to handle the parsing to a syntax tree.
I wrote it in the context of the NAMIB student project in my master's degree program at the University of Bremen.
In its current state it is merely a proof of concept. Hopefully I manage the time to flesh it out enough to be actually useful when working with MUD files (and worth the hassle of setting it up).
Building the binary from the repo should be as simple as cargo build
if you've already built Rust binaries before.
However, actually using it with your editor (besides obviously needing a MUD file as a test subject) you'll need to configure your editor to use the binary, and I can't tell you how to do that for most editors.
For Neovim -- if you're already using lspconfig -- it should roughly look like this:
local lspconfig = require
local configs = require
-- ...
if not configs.